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Frequently Asked Questions

What are your service times?
We have multiple services for all ages throughout the week you can find here.


What do you offer for children on Sunday morning?
Children are so important to the life of the church and our church. We have Sunday School classes designed for all ages. Also, during Sunday morning worship, we offer Children’s church for children between the age of 4 and 2nd grade.


What do you offer for babies and toddlers?
Nursery care is provided for both infants and toddlers (to age 3) from 9:45 a.m. until the conclusion of the 11:00 a.m. service each Sunday morning.  Our nursery has several cribs and infant toys as well as toddler toys and is staffed by qualified volunteers. 


Who goes to your church?
We have varied mix of members here at Concord. We have people in the congregation spanning the ages of newborn to people in their 90’s.  People at many different life stages come here. Single, married, divorced, widowed, young, wizened, men, women, and children. Everyone is welcome to come and learn more about the savior that we love so much.


Do I have to belong to your denomination to attend?
No! We have not only visitors, but also members who have come from other religious backgrounds. What we care about here at Concord isn’t your background but that you want to learn more about the God and the Bible whom we worship.All are welcome.


Do I have to dress up to attend your worship service?
Absolutely not!  Dressing up is not a requirement to worship with us at Concord. In Matthew 11:28, Jesus said “Come to me, ALL you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” The word ‘all’ is just that; all inclusive. Some do wear their “Sunday best” but you’re also likely to see someone in slacks and a casual shirt, or even jeans. The most important part of church is not showing up in a suit and tie, but showing up ready to worship.


What kind of things do you do in your worship service?
At Concord, we strive for a warm and welcoming worship service. We want you to know that we are glad to see you. We share the news and announcements of the church. We sing praises to God, through a mix of traditional and contemporary songs. We lift our prayers to God and we delve into his word deeply. You will hear messages from the Bible that you can apply to your life.


Who are the ministers?
Visit the leadership page on our website to learn about our ministers and other staff.


What are the adult education opportunities
There are adult Sunday School classes for all ages. In these classes, you will dive deeper into God’s word, learning more every week about what God wants to do in your life. There is also a regular Sunday night bible study and Wednesday night prayer service.


What outreach opportunities are there at Concord?
Concord has many outreach opportunities: Some local, some stateside, and some international. 

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