Concord Baptist Church strives to be a church that is Following THE ONE (CHRIST), Loving All, Reaching All, and Teaching All.
We seek to be Christ-centered, Bible-based, and Missions-minded. We want to see every member GROWING in a relationship with Jesus Christ, GOING as representatives of Christ to serve others, and GIVING of their time, talent and treasure to further the cause of Christ.
What is the Church?
Simply put, the Church consists of all of the followers of Jesus Christ throughout the entire world. Concord Baptist Church is a local congregation whose members serve in their community as part of the larger Church. We are just a small part of God's mission to redeem the world from the crippling effects of sin. We invite you to visit us and learn more about what it means to be forgiven and loved by our Creator and to branch out to seek and save those who are far from God.